Cleaboy Business Park
4B Old Kilmeaden Road
Waterford  X91 RH9K


We provide both Corporate Personal Safety Programmes & Educational Personal Safety Programmes

Transition Year Student PSA Programme

Our educational programme develops student life skills and builds on existing curriculum links within student primary education, developing on the concept of ‘Stranger Danger’ and expectations within the school junior/senior cycle including CSPE and SPHE, anti-bullying, student well-being, communication and positive assertiveness and third level education.

Teacher Training PSA Programme

This interactive programme is a must for teachers, adults, youth workers, team leaders and parents. The subjects covered are sensitive, real and are having a huge impact on young people today on their personal and social development.

1st , 2nd & 3rd Year PSA Programme

This programme helps primary school students develop increased personal safety and awareness. They will learn to recognise and evaluate a range of situations and assess their own position within those situations. Students will be taught methods and skills to be more aware and better protect themselves promoting their personal safety. Personal Safety and Awareness is an invaluable aspect of student development, beneficial to all students moving onto secondary school. This programme complements and reinforces elements within the Social, Personal, Health Education aspect of the primary school curriculum for fifth and sixth class students.

Corporate Personal Safety Programmes

Lone Worker

By definition, a lone worker is someone who performs an activity that is carried out in isolation from other workers without close or direct supervision. Such staff may be exposed to risks and hazards concerning their personal safety and because there is no-one to assist them a risk assessment may be required. Lone workers are often vulnerable and can at times be in confrontational or compromising situations.

Front Line Staff

Often seen as the front line members of staff, reception/counter employees face many situations, some of which involve dealing with challenging behaviour from members of the public. They may feel their personal safety is compromised. Personal Safety Ireland deliver a communication & behavioural strategies programme whereby staff will learn effective communication skills, assertiveness, conflict resolution strategies and personal safety and awareness techniques.

Communication & Behaviour Strategies

This staff building programme is designed to assist all members of staff, managers, principals, business owners including customer service staff and front line staff when dealing with difficult or challenging internal and external situations including dealing with members of the public. This programme is designed to build a healthy workplace, to enhance staff motivation and covers all aspects of communication, assertiveness and conflict resolution strategies to give a collective positive result.

Why Personal Safety Ireland?

CALL US now for further information on our programmes and how we can support you.
We look forward to your call.
Leading experts in our field

Effective delivery of programmes

Maximum learning outcomes

Clear communication with experienced instructors
Student well-being is at the core of our educational programmes
Building programmes for an ever-changing diverse community
We work in partnership to support organisational policies and procedures

For an increased ability to deal with challenging or difficult situations
To enhance feelings of control and effectiveness
To empower and promote diversity and equality for all
Copyright © Personal Safety Ireland
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